Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The last blog i said that will be talking more of that formula. As you can see it is very important to note that saving is good but making money is much better. Because making money is enjoying life. while saving is good. Ask yourself this question how long can my savings last if i don't have a job or retired, six months maybe or a year. you are already considered lucky if you can last that long. That is why im teaching you is how to earn a passive income. Its like earning while doing nothing. as Donald Trump use to say (I don't save so i can have money, i earn more money so i have money even though i spend luxuriously). These guys earn so much, that they could not spend it all. There are 3 type of income: 1. active income- this income comes from a job, this is also the most tiresome because you do all the work and the pay is less. 2. semi passive- this include those youngster geek millionaire who are considered millionaire in computer domain. who built google, yahoo and etc. this is also hard work but only in the beginning. once you have launch it, it will need minimum attention on your part and a large attention to sustaining it but it still require for you to update it. 3. passive income-this is our goal, millionaire and author of bookseller RICH DAD, POOR DAD. Robert Kiyosaki and my mentor Larry Gamboa of thinkrichpinoy, are now spreading passive income as the ultimate income, specially if you are retiring early and enjoying life to its fullest. Let me tell you how. There are several path to take, Warren buffet from Omaha the investment guru and considered the richest man or second depending on the race but ther on top with the best consider STOCK as the medium. if you know how to play it right, study the market always go for long term. Don't look at the stock but look at the business overall. A tip COKE for example wherever or whenever there are coke everywhere from 7-11 to schools who have vending machine, even to africa they have Cokes, then you known where to put your money. BILL GATES is using his money and getting rich in its patent microsoft. every where there are computer you'll see microsoft inside, If you could patent one and it hit then you'll riding shotgun to fame and riches. Now those two examples are fairly hard to do because if its easy it should be able to duplicate by other people. But this one is easy and a lot faster to understand. REAL ESTATE that will be the topic for my nest blog.